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Arduino Uno R3 Board

Bluetooth Module HC-06

Motor Driver Module L298N

Troniction Component Guides

Arduino Uno R3
Arduino Uno R3

Arduino is the main control board of the Troniction car. It takes various inputs and processes them and sends output signals or commands to various actuators. Bluetooth signal from your smartphone is taken as an input and rotates the wheels of your car through the motors.

Arduino Uno R3
Arduino Uno R3
Motor Driver L298N

Arduino is the main control board of the Troniction car. It takes various inputs and processes them and sends output signals or commands to various actuators. Bluetooth signal from your smartphone is taken as an input and rotates the wheels of your car through the motors.

Motor Driver L298N
Arduino Uno R3
Bluetooth Module HC-06

Arduino is the main control board of the Troniction car. It takes various inputs and processes them and sends output signals or commands to various actuators. Bluetooth signal from your smartphone is taken as an input and rotates the wheels of your car through the motors.

Bluetooth Module HC-06
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